Nursing & Global Public Health

Nursing & Global Public Health

Belize: Nursing & Global Public Health

When Can I Travel?

We currently are not offering any programs for Summer 2025.

We have a rolling admission process, which simply means that the window for applications closes when all of the spaces are filled. We also offer discounts to students who apply early!

Where Am I Going?

Nicknamed the “Jewel” of the Caribbean, Belize is a unique Central American country nestled between Guatemala and the Caribbean Sea. Belize was previously known as British Honduras before gaining its independence from Great Britain in 1981. Labeled a developing country, Belize is working hard to bring much needed services to its special needs population. Because of Belize’s history with Great Britain, the official language of the country is English. However, there are about eight different prevalent languages spoken throughout the country. Each language comes with its own bit of history and culture. Throughout your time in Belize you’ll have the opportunity to see and learn about the varying cultures and how they all blend together to create the unique experience that is Belize


Who Should Sign Up?

Undergraduate students, graduate students, recent graduates and post-bacc students who seek practical and clinical experience. Students review theory and clinical procedures with program faculty, then apply this in a clinical setting. Clinical settings include schools, nursing homes and rural community health centers. Clinical work focuses on preventative care and assessments for children, women and elderly. Clinics can also include public health awareness and client education. 

Why Should I Travel with Therapy Abroad?

Therapy Abroad is the world leader in providing study abroad opportunities for students interested in health and human services. Our nursing and global public health program is the perfect combination of travel and service. Both nursing and global public health are important fields that play a vital role in improving the health and well-being of people around the world.

We created this program specifically to help students gain hands-on experience that’s hard to duplicate in the classroom: gain clinical hours, one-on-one time with healthcare professionals, and a chance to support local children, adults, and families where it is most needed. Your time in Belize will be a defining moment in your education and one that you will not forget.


What Will I Do?

Your group will collaborate with government organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private clinics, and our local community partner organization to bring services to children and adults. There will be an intentional focus on cooperative learning and capacity building for both visiting and hosting professionals.  Clinical settings include schools, nursing homes and rural community health centers. Clinical work focuses on preventative care and assessments for children, women, and the elderly. Clinics can also include public health awareness and client education. 

You will work at pop-up clinics, work directly in the hospital, and work in the local schools. You’ll also experience being out in the community going door to door to meet families and check on them. You will have Therapy Abroad staff and guides with you during your entire trip.

Therapy Abroad students will learn about diverse approaches to teaching and implement methodologies for designing and evaluating learning experiences used in the education of patients/clients, students, colleagues, and the broader community.

Excursions: While you will earn observation and clinic hours, there will also be opportunities for fun, cultural excursions. You will enjoy ziplining through the rain forest, cave canoeing, snorkeling in the world’s second largest barrier reef, exploring a Mayan archeological site, and more!


Will I Get Observation, Clinic, And Volunteer Hours?

Yes! If you are interested in becoming a nurse or working in global public health, observing and volunteering are essential to providing you with first-hand experience of the profession and helping you build your case for graduate school and beyond. Our service program in Belize is a perfect way to diversify your experience working in different settings and gain needed observation, clinical, and volunteer hours.

What is the Itinerary*?

*sample itinerary can vary based on the group and dates **students taking their own flight will pay a $300 admin fee to cover the cost of private transportation to/from airports and a Therapy Abroad staff person.
2025 Program Dates
2025 Program Dates

We are not currently offering any programs for Summer 2025


Benefits For Students Who Participate In This Program:



14- Day Program price is $3,350 USD not including *international airfare.

*Therapy Abroad will organize group flights from Dallas, TX International Airport as soon as airfares have been published.

What’s Included?

We got you covered: Travel and study abroad is a big investment and our commitment to you is that we will work hard every day to make sure you are going to have the most amazing experience: professional staff, tasty meals and comfortable accommodations, and overall, a well-crafted itinerary full of diverse activities and good people. 


With the exception of international airfare, our trips are all-inclusive. We won’t try to upsell you on any “additional activities” or “additional optional activities” that aren’t advertised as part of the program. More specifically, your program includes:

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are no prerequisites for this program, and students from any relevant department or major may apply. Spaces for this program are limited and fill up quickly. All applications will be individually evaluated on a rolling basis. Students on this program will primarily be working with children, so all applicants should be comfortable working with children and be creative and flexible to get the most out of their experience.

